Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thank You! Live Simply Children's Health Journal!

I feel super lucky to work with companies and provide reviews and giveaways for the readers of my blog...but sometimes I come across a product that I wish I could share with everyone {All} over not just my blog!  The Live Simply Children's Health Journal is just one of those products.  I know it is a {journal}...a pretty what is the big deal?

This is the journal every new parent should be given at their baby shower.  This is the journal that will help so many people out on a day in and day out basis when you are lacking sleep and running to the pediatrician for a check up....I times admit it...we forget to shower during those early days of awe and panic...okay...well...I {Forgot} to Shower.

If you have followed my blog then you know that my daughter was born sick.  This was something we were not prepared for.  We had no idea the amount of doctors and blood draws she would have to go through in such a short amount of time.  I truly wish I had a journal like the Live Simply Children's Health Journal when she was born.  I kept a journal of my own.  I made it from a notebook and had to keep track but what I never managed to do my journal an organized manner that I was happy with.  I kept copies of the list of her medications (up to 19 four times a day at one point) and would walk into the ER and give every nurse and resident a copy that even looked at my daughter.  I did not want anyone to misunderstand a {very tired} Mami nor misspell anything...I would have loved to have had these neatly placed in the pocket in my journal as the Live Simply Children's Health Journal provides.  I would have loved to have had an organized space for business cards that we received from the drs......I {Know} and I am {GRATEFUL} that not everyone has the medical experiences that we have had with our daughter but I would Still RECOMMEND the Live Simply Children's Health Journal 100 % for any new parent.

If you know a parent whose child is in the hospital or who has a chronic illness...don't buy them chocolates as a gift when you visit them...Buy them the Live Simply Children's Health Journal and get it to them..Trust Me...It will be so appreciated!

The journal retails for $19.95.

On a personal note:
I am delighted to share with you that Live Simply Health Journals is supporting my efforts with Mami on a McMission.  A journal was sent along to be placed in the "Welcome Wagon"... so that a parent with a new baby may benefit from this journal.  Thank You For Caring!

If you want a chance to win your own please Click HERE.

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